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4453 Reports to date
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4453 Reports to date
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18 january 2022

Throw a handful of trash from the window while parked out the fron of this is cannabis, abbotsford
HKO39J - British Columbia


18 january 2022

dumbed a bunch of trash before entering the tim hortons drive thru
CASK 412 - Ontario


15 january 2022

Driver launched can out the window infront of us on the drove thru, got out to give them the can back and they wound their windows up!
NA8 61C - British Columbia

Dollard Des Omreaux

13 january 2022

A police car stopped, opened the door and dropped a Tim Hortons cup in the road near my house.
UNKOWN - Quebec


12 january 2022

The passenger basically emptied all the trash from the car onto my street in front of my house
CTTB 332 - Ontario


10 january 2022

Driver threw fast food garbage out of their window
CHAW 809 - Ontario


31 december 2021

January 1st 2022. If someone can report my son to ticket so should I. Disrespectful.
KASSIM1 - Alberta

North York

29 december 2021

The driver bought some food from the bakery & ate inside the car, then he opened the car door & slightly drop the bag on the ground, I noticed him he left the garbage but unfortunately he denied & drove.
CBCH923 - Ontario


27 december 2021

Passenger threw tim hortons garbage out of window
CLWK 464 - Ontario


26 december 2021

We , (myself, the driver and another passenger watched them do it , then turned around , and said something and they just got in their car and shut the doors
EC2O1E - British Columbia


24 december 2021

Passengers were also throwing litter out the windows and being generally inconsiderate and aggressive.
AW 91374 - Ontario


22 december 2021

Threw their mask out the window just before passing from the inside
CSO - New Brunswick


21 december 2021

Thrugh cig out window at McDonald's
CMED 106 - Ontario


18 december 2021

This person littered a Kleenex/tissue box and a few used tissues at the red light. This person also drive recklessly.
FNW4406 - Quebec


17 december 2021

Passenger threw multiple cans and plastic bottles out to the side road. A video has been recorded.
EP9 71E - British Columbia


16 december 2021

Guy really tossed a cigarette butt out the window after the heat wave we just had
AE8847 - British Columbia

North Vancouver

16 december 2021

Watched them throw 2 white cans out of their vehicle and then give the middle finger to multiple drivers as they continued driving. Looked to be drinking.
LK659K - British Columbia

Shawnigan Lake

15 december 2021

not sure
KV746F - British Columbia


15 december 2021

CATH249 - Ontario


11 december 2021

NN7048 - British Columbia


10 december 2021

Both driver and passenger both littered butts out their windows.
CHI-8146 - Alberta


8 december 2021

Woman threw something small out her window. She is parked here often and has been spoken to about the issue. She continues to throw trash without caring that there is a garbage can within 30 meters
BRVC348 - Ontario


10 december 2021

Woman threw trash out her window. When asked to pick it up she said no and states she will do it again tomorrow.
BRVC348 - Ontario


10 december 2021

Everytime im behind him he throws out a tim hortons cup
BE23677 - Ontario

Outside Rivers

9 december 2021

HXH 488 - Manitoba


8 december 2021

I don't have a photo. But this person was littering a lit cigarette while driving!
BJB 5562 - Alberta

Onslow Mountain

7 december 2021

This person left behind their temporary permit number 3304684 expires 05 jan 2022.
3304684 - Nova Scotia


4 december 2021

Leaving west Edmonton mall, saw someone in front of us throw what looked like an ice cream container out the passenger window on the ground.
CJZ 0144 - Alberta


3 december 2021

Driver flicked multiple cigarette butts out the window after having vehicle behind them honk to call them out on this behaviour
RN 5295 - British Columbia


24 november 2021

Open bag of trash in box of truck spewing litter the whole way. Despicable.
AJ 825506 - Ontario


18 november 2021

there were about 4 or 5 people in the vehicle. trash was being thrown from the back passengers side window. An empty pack of cigarettes hit my windshield.
CHED818 - Ontario


17 november 2021

Dodge Journey
CADX961 - Ontario


17 november 2021

Driver threw out the wrappings from opening a new pack of cigarettes. Horrible habit that generates horrible opportunities to litter.
CENY 204 - Ontario


16 november 2021

These people threw cups, straws, wrapped paper garbage, and food containers out the passenger side window while waiting for their food at the mcdonald's drivethru on Dawson Manor Blvd and Yonge St. I was the car behind them and was appalled
CLFR814 - Ontario


15 november 2021

Saw driver flick their cigarette butt out the window
075 LVN - Saskatchewan


12 november 2021

They threw out a take out container full of food and a fork
M32 WBD - Quebec

Prince George

8 november 2021

Saw the driver toss ash or a butt out the window, you can see that it was still lit.
ET9 32P - British Columbia


8 november 2021

Two brat teens threw out a huge pile of garbage, mostly McDonald's food bags and other food wrappers and plastic wrappings. C'est complètement irrespectueux
W68 XLF - Quebec


8 november 2021

Threw a Tim Hortons cup out the passenger side window.
RA2577 - British Columbia


7 november 2021

Stopped at a red light, driver threw what appeared to be a lighter outside of their car window.
CHG5820 - Alberta


5 november 2021

Leaving the Food Basics. Man in vehicle ahead of me opened driver window and dropped out trash. Twice. The first time I let myself doubt what I saw. Second time it was obvious. Clear plastic. A wrapper of some sort.
BDVA 807 - Ontario


5 november 2021

I was driving west on township road 532D east of Edson Alberta. At the intersection of range road 150 and township road 532D i noticed a fellow take a couple bags out of the back of his truck and throw them into the ditch about 50 yards to the south of the intersection. He knew he was caught and quickly entered his truck and took off. I have a partial plate number but it looks to be HFY-847. On a black Chevrolet Silverado. Middle aged man with scruffy hair. Took off to highway 16.
H(F?)Y-847 - Alberta


4 november 2021

Twice the passengers of this car littered in front of me. The first it was what looked like a coffee cup. The second time was trash. Couldn't tell if it was tissue or paper.
CBHB190 - Ontario


2 november 2021

Driver and passenger left Tim Hortons cups on ground in McDonalds parking lot and then left another in the exit and ran it over when they left.
BYKZ569 - Ontario


30 october 2021

Littering cigarettes butt when stopping at traffic light
FF559D - British Columbia


30 october 2021

Acura white suv
CENA024 - Ontario


28 october 2021

Saw driver throw out tim hortons cup from window at a red light turning on to morning star drive from goreway drive.
CKAN224 - Ontario


27 october 2021

559QBK - Saskatchewan


27 october 2021

Threw a LIT cigarette out the window
PT1893 - British Columbia


26 october 2021

The individual tossed a burning cigarette out the window onto the pavement. I watched from my car, parked behind them.
AB0149 - Alberta
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